Marketing Training - TeeSpy
This video is for people just getting started out with Facebook ads. It shows you how to create a page that your market will connect with, and it shows you what your first page post/ad might look like.

Requires the FREE plan or higher.
This video is for anyone wondering how to find good interests to use for targeting on Facebook. We go over how to use audience insights and affinity to find killer targets to market your shirts/physical products on Facebook.

Requires the STARTER plan or higher.
Here we learn how to create a boosted post from our page. A boosted post is a post that you pay Facebook to show to an audience of people who are likely to engage with your post. So people who will like, comment, and share. This ad objective is typically used to test a product to see if you have the right design/product and the correct audience target.

Requires the STARTER plan or higher.
In this training video we learn how to setup another type of ad in facebook. Using the Facebook ads manager we setup a "Traffic" objective ad. Some people call this a Clicks to Website (CTW) objective because with this type of ad we are telling Facebook to show our ad to an audience who is likely to click on it and land on our website.

Requires the STARTER plan or higher.
In this video we learn how to use the Facebook power editor to setup a website conversion ad. In my opinion this is the best way to run ads currently on Facebook. A website conversion is any action taken on your website. So for example you can tell Facebook to find people in your audience who are likely to convert by purchasing something from your website.

Requires the STARTER plan or higher.
In this video we look at our 3 ads that we setup in the previous videos and assess the results.

Requires the STARTER plan or higher.